Results for Set 8
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#1) East deals, nobody vulnerable
K Q 9 2 K J 5 10 9 8 4 Q 7
A 3 A 9 4 K A K J 9 6 5 3
Score for Board 1:
4NT: 7
5: 5
5NT: 4
East will likely open 1 (some will try 2). After 1, West rates to bypass the diamonds to respond 1. Now East has a tough rebid problem. He is too strong for 3, so might reverse into 2 (nobody likes reverse auctions, though). He could also choose to rebid 3NT which shows a good hand with long clubs. Without a 2 opening bid, it is difficult to reach the laydown club slam.
#2) West deals, both vulnerable
Q 8 K Q J A K 10 8 3 7 6 3
A K 6 5 2 A 10 4 3 -- A K J 2
Scores for Board 2:
6: 9
6NT: 8
6: 7
7NT: 5
7: 4
5: 3
5NT: 2
5: 1
Really, I should award 11 for 7, but I don't give out anything more than 10. In hearts, declarer can ruff a spade and will fail only with horrific splits. If spades are 3-3, 6NT will likely get most of the matchpoints for 1470. West opens 1NT and East has quite a hand to bid. Some will start with a transfer to spades, but I prefer Stayman. After 1N-2-2, East has to show a forcing hand with 5 and 4. In Standard, that would be via 3; with Smolen it would entail a 3 bid. Surely, East will insist on slam, but I see no good route to 7
#3) West deals, North then bids 2, nobody vulnerable
A 4 Q J 7 6 A 10 8 4 3 A 2
Q J 10 7 3 A K Q J 9 7 9 5
Scores for Board 3:
5: 8
4: 7
7: 6
3NT: 4
I don't like opening 1NT with 2 doubletons, yet I would open West's hand with 1NT. Why? Because with 5 diamonds and 4 hearts, I am afraid of the auction starting 1-1 (by partner). Then, I have no rebid (can't reverse, can't rebid the 5-card diamonds, can't lie with 1NT). So, I'd rather get it off my chest that I have 15-17 "balanced." Over a Natural 2 overcall, I recommend System On. East bids 2 to transfer to spades, then bids diamonds. This will turn West on! Maybe after some control-bids, East-West can sail into the top spot. If West opens 1, East will bid 2 after the overcall and support diamonds later, maybe also resulting in the diamond slam.
#4) West deals, Both vulnerable, South bids spades.
A 7 5 K J 10 3 J K Q 10 8 3
9 2 A Q 4 A K 9 7 4 J 5 2
Scores for Board 4:
5: 9
3: 6
4: 5
3NT: 4
6: 1
After 1-Pass-1-1, West should pass. East will reopen with a card-showing double and West will bid 2. After this start, East-West could easily stumble into the superb 4-3 heart fit. However, East is likely to punt with 2 over which West will admit to a spade stopper with 2NT. Will East now raise to 3NT? If so, he will finish -100 off 4 spades and the A. Yes, East-West could luck out if the A is with North. Keep wishing.
***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***