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Four of a Major

Four of a Major

In this series, we are analyzing 1,000,000 deals which were played on-line. These deals cover a wide range of level of play and were provided by Stephen Pickett with Bridge Browser.

On how many deals was 4-of-a-major the final contract?

Answer: 248,980 -- or 24.9 % of all deals. 

3NT, last month's question, was the final contract on 18.1% of deals. That was the singular most popular contract.

4bridge card suit alone was 11.7%

4bridge card suit alone was 13.2%

All three of these pieces of information are not surprising. You'd expect 3NT (the lowest-trick game) to be most frequent. You'd also expect 4bridge card suit to be more common than 4bridge card suit (you can bid 4bridge card suit over 4bridge card suit, but not vice versa). So, 3NT, 4bridge card suit and 4bridge card suit combined account for 43% of all deals played.

FYI:  5bridge card suit Was played on 2.3% of all deals and 5bridge card suit on 2.9%  (So, a game contract in a minor occurred was bid on 5.2% of 1,000,000 deals). That means that GAME was bid on just less than half of all deals played.

Next month's question: On how many of the 1,000,000 deals was a slam (6 or 7) the final contract?