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  • Berkowitz makes 7C (2001) (printed from WBF Bulletin/Paris Nov 2001 -- IPBA)

Berkowitz makes 7C (2001) (printed from WBF Bulletin/Paris Nov 2001 -- IPBA)

Berkowitz makes 7C (2001) (printed from WBF Bulletin/Paris Nov 2001 -- IPBA)

The Digital Fountain Hand of the Year

Player: David Berkowitz (USA)

Journalist: Jody Latham (USA)

Bulletin 431 p.3;ACBL Nationals at Birmingham,Alabama Nov 2000

Larry Cohen and David Berkowitz appeared to be on their way to victory in the Blue Ribbon Pairs when they had a monumental 69% game in the first final session.They finished fourth. Early in the fourth session they scored a triumph on this exceptionally tough hand:

Board 26.

Vul: Both
Dlr: East
bridge card suitQ J 10 6 5 4 3 2
bridge card suitJ
bridge card suitQ J 10 7
bridge card suit--
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitK 7 4
bridge card suitA K 8 6 2
bridge card suitK Q J 5 3
bridge card suitA K 9 8
bridge card suitA 6 3
bridge card suit9 3
bridge card suitA 10 8 6
bridge card suit7
bridge card suitQ 10 9 8 5 2
bridge card suit5 4
bridge card suit9 7 4 2
Cohen Berkowitz
2bridge card suit(2)4bridge card suit5bridge card suitPass
5bridge card suitPass5bridge card suitPass
7bridge card suitAll Pass

(1) 14-16 HCP

(2) Transfer to clubs.

South led a spade, and Berkowitz won the ace while pitching a heart from dummy. He found out about the 4-0 trump split when he led a club to the king. (It looks safe to cash the bridge card suitA instead of crossing to the king, but you go down if you cash the bridge card suitA.)

Berkowitz took his top diamonds and then ruffed a third diamond with the 10 (South throwing a heart). He then led bridge card suitK.If South ruffs declarer can easily set up the diamonds and pick up trumps, so South threw a second heart and West a diamond.Berkowitz now ruffed a spade (South throwing another heart)and cashed the bridge card suitK. Next came dummy's last diamond, which he ruffed with the ace (South throwing a fourth heart). Now came the eight of trumps, covered by South. Berkowitz crossed back to his own hand with the bridge card suitA and finished with a trump coup.At that point, dummy was down to the bridge card suitQ-5 and South had the bridge card suit7-4.