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Your Best Chance?

Your Best Chance?

This Real Deal was played in the 2011 Sarasota, Florida Regional. In a knockout event, South held:  bridge card suitK J 3
bridge card suitA J 10 8 6 4
bridge card suitA 4 2
bridge card suit4

At his favorable vulnerability he dealt and opened 1bridge card suit. Partner responded with 2NT, Jacoby.

South, playing the "basic version" of the convention rebid 3bridge card suit to indicate shortness. North followed with 3bridge card suit. What's that?

Hearts are surely trump, so theoretically this is a "control-bid." But, on the 3-level (especially below 3 of the trump suit), we don't get crazy about showing controls. I'd think of 3bridge card suit more as "something in diamonds and I am alive for any slam possibility." Certainly, this should be a fast-arrival auction; if either player at any point bids 4bridge card suit, that is the weakest action. What should you do? In spite of having "only" 13 HCP, you have tons of upgrades. You have prime cards, good trumps and 6 of them! You are surely interested in cooperating. You could bid 3bridge card suit, foreword going, or maybe better is 3bridge card suit to show something there. Partner bids 4bridge card suit next. He is still interested and has a club control. You still are too good to sign-off. I like either 4bridge card suit or maybe even Blackwood. That's enough bidding theory for one deal--let's say you end up in 6bridge card suit (you will blame partner if you are too high), and you get the bridge card suitQ lead:

bridge card suitA 9 5 4
bridge card suit9 7 5 3
bridge card suitK Q 3
bridge card suitA 5
bridge card suitK J 3
bridge card suitA J 10 8 6 4
bridge card suitA 4 2
bridge card suit4

In spite of only 13 opposite 13 in HCP, this isn't a bad slam. What is your plan?

Your only possible losers are in hearts and spades. If West has the bridge card suitKQ2, you are dead. If East has it, you can pick up the suit. Accordingly, win the first diamond in dummy and advance the bridge card suit9. You never know when somebody might cover.

No luck. East plays a smooth bridge card suit2.

And you?

The safety play to make sure (100% sure) of only one heart loser is to put in the jack. Even if it loses, you will have the rest of the hearts and be able to rely on the spade finesse. If West shows out, you can pat yourself on the back for your safety.

However, the correct play in the heart suit may not take the entire deal into account.

For the small gain of East having all three hearts, your finesse gives up on the bigger picture. If you play the ace and West follows, you are in great shape. You will have only one heart loser and would also be unlikely to have a spade loser.

After the bridge card suitA wins, you can strip the minors and exit in hearts. If West wins, he is endplayed into a free finesse in spades or giving you a ruff-sluff.  Even if East wins, he will have to break spades and you will succeed if he has either the bridge card suitQ or the bridge card suit10 or both (you will play low and West will have to play his big one if he has it). If West has both the bridge card suitQ and the bridge card suit10 and East has 2 hearts, it just isn't your day.

I don't expect anyone to calculate the exact percentages, but surely it is better to play for 2-1 hearts (and almost a sure claim) than to guard against an unlikely 3-0 heart break (and still not even have a claim). 

Here is the Real Deal:

Vul: South
Dir: East-West
bridge card suitA 9 5 4
bridge card suit9 7 5 3
bridge card suitK Q 3
bridge card suitA 5
bridge card suitQ 10 6
bridge card suitK Q
bridge card suitJ 8 6
bridge card suitQ J 10 7 2
bridge card suit8 7 2
bridge card suit2
bridge card suit10 9 7 5
bridge card suitK 9 8 6 3
bridge card suitK J 3
bridge card suitA J 10 8 6 4
bridge card suitA 4 2
bridge card suit4

As you can see, after the club lead, declarer would go down if he finesses in hearts. West would safely exit and sit back and wait for his spade trick. However, winning the bridge card suitA and stripping the hand is a successful line of play. When West gets thrown in with the bridge card suitK he has to present South his contract. This deal was pushed at 980 when both South players in the match skillfully bid and made their heart slam.