Loser on Loser Squared

Loser on Loser Squared

bridge card suitK 3
bridge card suitA 10 7
bridge card suitA J 10 9 5 2
bridge card suitA 10
This deal from the 2009 Team Trials was played by me against the eventual winners. I held this hand:

At unfavorable vulnerability, I was in 4th seat. After two passes, my RHO, Fred Stewart, opened the bidding with 4bridge card suit. How annoying!  What now? A double (primarily for takeout) doesn't make much sense (are you really planning to pass if partner bids 4bridge card suit?). I didn't want to pass 4bridge card suit, so I ventured 5bridge card suit. Nobody said I had to be happy about it. Everyone passed (at least I wasn't doubled), and the bridge card suit2 was led:

bridge card suitA 10 9 7 2
bridge card suit6 4 3
bridge card suitQ 8 7
bridge card suit5 4
bridge card suitK 3
bridge card suitA 10 7
bridge card suitA J 10 9 5 2
bridge card suitA 10

It seems as if Mr. Stewart (a renowned aggressive bidder) has opened 4bridge card suit with only a six-card suit. How should I play?

If the bridge card suitK is with West, he won't have any more hearts to play and I can still hope to set up and use dummy's spades. Therefore, it seems wrong to use up dummy's bridge card suitA (for a diamond finesse) at trick two. Accordingly, after winning the bridge card suitA, I laid down the bridge card suitA and was gratified to see the king drop singleton on my right. Now what?

Time to work on spades. I laid down the bridge card suitK, low, low, eight. This eight looks to be an interesting card--now I am missing only the queen-jack. On the next spade, LHO plays low. The moment of truth.

If LHO started with bridge card suitQJxxx and you go up with the ace, you will have wished you inserted the 9. But, if you insert the 9 and RHO wins, he will cash the top hearts--down you go. If RHO has a doubleton spade honor (or 3 spades), you can make your contract by playing the bridge card suitA and then continuing spades (you have lots of diamond entries to dummy).

Would RHO open 4bridge card suit with 2=6=1=4 shape? Is it more likely he is 1=6=1=5?

It turns out that because of the fall of the bridge card suit8 you have a 100% line of play!

Don't worry about 5-1 spades. Go up with dummy's bridge card suitA and you will soon be able to claim--no matter what. If RHO follows, you can ruff a spade, cross in diamonds, ruff a spade and the last spade will be good. What if RHO shows out--he started with a small singleton?

No problem. You can execute a double loser-on-loser play! Run the bridge card suit10 and discard a club from hand. Win the return (West won't have any hearts left) and cross in diamonds. Run the bridge card suit9 and throw another loser (this time a heart). Now, your bridge card suit7 is established to throw the other heart loser. All you lose is two spade tricks.

This was the full deal:

Vul: N-S
Dir: West
bridge card suitA 10 9 7 2
bridge card suit6 4 3
bridge card suitQ 8 7
bridge card suit5 4
bridge card suitJ 6 5 4
bridge card suit2
bridge card suit6 4 3
bridge card suit9 7 6 5 3
bridge card suitQ 8
bridge card suitK Q J 9 8 5
bridge card suitK
bridge card suitQ J 8 2
bridge card suitK 3
bridge card suitA 10 7
bridge card suitA J 10 9 5 2
bridge card suitA 10

When I went up with the bridge card suitA, the queen dropped. Now I ran the bridge card suit10, throwing a club. West won the bridge card suitJ and I had the rest--making six.

At the other table, East opened a normal 1bridge card suit, and North-South played in a diamond partscore.

I suppose it would have been a better story if spades were 5-1--I'd have loved to  have pulled off that double loser on loser play.