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It's Always My Fault.

It's Always My Fault.

Playing with me in a National Pairs event, David Berkowitz held:bridge card suitA 6 2
bridge card suit8 6 5
bridge card suit6
bridge card suit10 9 8 7 4 2

Not vulnerable against vulnerable opponents, he saw me open the bidding 2bridge card suit.  We don't play a crazy style, so he could count on me having six trumps for my bid (even at this favorable vulnerability).  When his RHO doubled, he did what I would urge everyone to do. He "Followed the LAW." He LAWfully raised to 3bridge card suit. The next player doubled (responsive/card-showing).  What next?

Everyone passed! This was the auction:

 (David) (Larry)
 2bridge card suit
 Dbl 3bridge card suit Dbl(All Pass)
How can this be?  Isn't West supposed to take out East's card-showing double?  Anyway, we should be okay. With 9 trumps and this favorable vulnerability, the LAW of Total Tricks should protect us.  Let's now look at my hand.


bridge card suitA 6 2
bridge card suit8 6 5
bridge card suit6
bridge card suit10 9 8 7 4 2
bridge card suit9 5
bridge card suitJ 10 9 7 4 2
bridge card suitA 9 4 2
bridge card suit6

This doesn't look too bad. The opponents won't have a slam, but as long as the penalty is less than -500 (better than the value of their vulnerable game), we are in great shape.  We have 2 aces for sure, and  even if hearts are 3-1 and they take the top hearts, we have 3 sure heart tricks.  That is 5 tricks, and a diamond ruff(s) in dummy gets us to  at least 6 tricks and -500 for a good board.

The LAW has worked again.

Not so fast.

This was the full deal:

Vul: E-W
bridge card suitA 6 2
bridge card suit8 6 5
bridge card suit6
bridge card suit10 9 8 7 4 2
bridge card suitK Q J 3
bridge card suitA K Q
bridge card suitQ 5 4 3
bridge card suitA J
bridge card suit10 8 74
bridge card suit3
bridge card suitK J 10 7
bridge card suitK Q 5 3
bridge card suit9 5
bridge card suitJ 10 9 7 4 2
bridge card suitA 9 4 2
bridge card suit6
 Against 3bridge card suit doubled, West had no sense of humor. He was able to lead out the top 3 trumps (his plan when he left in the double).
How did I do?  I took my 3 long trumps and 2 aces. Down 4, -800.A bottom.
David was looking at me and staring. Clearly this was my fault. He had Followed the LAW (some call it "my" LAW, but it is really Jene-Rene Vernes' LAW) and we had paid dearly. He told me, "You said it is safe to bid 3bridge card suit with this hand."  Actually, he was kidding, but he never lets me forget about this deal.Okay. My fault.But, the next 99 times out of 100 this bid works, I hope I get the credit.