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Hear No Evil

Hear No Evil

What do you think of the following (from a recent regional):

bridge card suitQ 9 4
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitJ 10 9 5 4 2
bridge card suit10 8 7 6

With both sides vulnerable, LHO opens a 15-17 notrump and your partner doubles. It's not my favorite method, but this pair was using penalty doubles. RHO passes and it is your call.

With balanced hands (even bad ones), you should usually sit for a penalty double of 1NT. But, with this hand, I presume you removed to 2bridge card suit. Your partner, as you might have expected (or feared), bids 2bridge card suit. No doubt he has a hand that was too good to simply overcall in hearts, so he has doubled first to show a really good hand with hearts.

Would you leave well enough alone, or correct to 3bridge card suit?

I think I would pass (partner hasn't promised diamonds)--he could even be void in diamonds. But, let's say you do correct to 3bridge card suit as the player who held this hand chose to. So far, no big deal.

Now, partner makes the call you dreaded. He bids 3bridge card suit. I guess you should have passed 2bridge card suit. Surely, you will pass now before the doubling starts, right?

Wrong. This player persisted with 4bridge card suit. And, his partner removed to 4bridge card suit. This is getting ugly. RHO doubled. Surely, you've had enough? No. "Redouble" said our scrambling man. Even though the redouble was meant as S.O.S, everyone passed. Final contract: 4bridge card suit doubled and redoubled! Yikes!!

What is going on? Here is some missing information.

It turns out that your 2bridge card suit bid was alerted by partner as a transfer to hearts. The alert was correct. The 2bridge card suit bidder had forgotten that they play "system on" over their own penalty doubles. So, 2bridge card suit would have been Stayman, 2bridge card suit and 2bridge card suit were supposed to be transfers. Oh dear.

Panic time. You have shown hearts, but you are void in hearts!

So, partner "takes the transfer" to 2bridge card suit. You now expect you could be in a 3-0 fit, so you run to 3bridge card suit. Over partner's 3bridge card suit, you run to 4bridge card suit. Over the double of 4bridge card suit, you try to run again. Is all of this okay?

NO. Let me repeat that, NO!!!!!

This is a difficult concept for most players to understand. See if you can follow:

When you (not "you," but the player with this hand) bid 2bridge card suit, he thought it was natural. He is not entitled to hear the alert and be woken up! Let me repeat in a different way: He thought he showed diamonds—and he had diamonds. When his partner bids hearts, he has to pretend there was no alert. So, partner is supposed to have his own heart suit (even though you know from the alert that he thinks he is responding to a transfer).

Let's try one more way. When I first told the story, wasn't your inclination to pass 2bridge card suit? Or, certainly you'd have passed 3bridge card suit.

So, now with the "unauthorized information" (that's the technical term), you are NOT ENTITLED to continually run from partner's heart bids. You have to pretend he is bidding his own hearts. I don't know how else to put it--I hope you get it.

Surely this "running act" was subconscious, or unintended, because the player who did this is a very ethical human being. He wouldn't intentionally "break the law." Maybe he didn't realize the implications and obligations of hearing the alert (but he will if he reads this).

Anyway, the proper action would have been rewarded in a big way. Partner actually held a big heart hand! It was so big (bridge card suitKJxx bridge card suitAKJ10987 bridge card suitx bridge card suitK) that 9 tricks made, so you would have been +140 for passing him in 2bridge card suit or 3bridge card suit. As it was, 4bridge card suit redoubled was down only 1, but minus 400 was costly. The price was 11 IMPs (the score was 140 at the other table) and maybe a lesson learned?

For an analogous situation (two, really), please read my article from 2007 on this same topic.