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Deal 8H?

Deal 8H?

This deal comes from the 2009 Life Master Pairs in Washington D.C.

bridge card suitQ 8 4 2
bridge card suit A K Q J
bridge card suit A 10 4
bridge card suit 4 2
At unfavorable vulnerability, I opened this hand 1NT (14-16). Partner transferred to clubs (via 2bridge card suit) and I had a decision. Over such minor-suit transfers, there are 2 steps. I could bid either 2NT (the "in between step") or 3bridge card suit. One of these replies shows a minimum, the other a maximum. It is slightly better to use the in between step as the minimum. Even though I had 16 HCP, I disliked my two low clubs, so I treated the hand as a minimum in support of clubs. I bid 2NT.

Partner now used Blackwood. A jump to 4NT would be quantitative, but we have a specialized way to ask for keycards. A jump to one-over the trump suit (in this case 4bridge card suit) asks for keycards. This is called Kickback. RHO doubled to show diamonds. Now, we used another specialized method. When responding to "Kickback," if it is doubled, we play "Fast Denies."  "Fast" means to answer right away. If I directly answer Kickback (after the double), I deny a control in diamonds. If I have the suit controlled (as here), I go "Slowly." I passed to show a control and partner redoubled to say, "that's nice, now tell me how many keycards you have."  This same treatment is very useful when Stayman gets doubled (fast denies--and the Stayman bidder redoubles to repeat the Stayman ask, but knows the opener has clubs stopped).

I showed my 2 keycards and partner bid 6bridge card suit. I passed, but LHO saved in 6bridge card suit. This was the long and winding road so far:

David  Larry
-- -- --1NT
Pass2bridge card suitPass2NT
Pass4bridge card suit* DoublePass**
Pass6bridge card suit PassPass
6bridge card suitPassPass??
Now what?  Readers of "My Favorite 52" will have a clue from the title of this deal.

I bid 6bridge card suit!

With my 16 HCP and having shown a minimum, partner had driven to 6bridge card suit. Surely we were making that contract (I thought). I had nothing wasted in diamonds (the opponents obviously had lots of diamond cards).Partner must have great clubs and something in spades in order to have driven to slam.
I couldn't bid 7bridge card suit, but I did have a surprise heart suit. I bid 6bridge card suit. Everyone passed, and this was the full deal.:

 *Asking for bridge card suitKeycards
**Showing a bridge card suitControl (Fast denies)

Vul: Both
Dir: South
bridge card suitK 3
bridge card suit10 8 6
bridge card suit5
bridge card suitA K Q 10 9 6 5
bridge card suitA J 5
bridge card suit7 4 3 2
bridge card suitQ 8 6 2
bridge card suitJ 8
bridge card suit10 9 7 6
bridge card suit9 5
bridge card suitK J 9 7 3
bridge card suit7 3
bridge card suitQ 8 4 2
bridge card suitA K Q J
bridge card suitA 10 4
bridge card suit4 2
In My Favorite 52, Chapter 8, I went off into tangential deals 8A, 8B, 8C,...8G to show some amazing 4-3 fits (even a 4-2 fit).
Here was another 4-3 fit--thus I could call it Deal 8H.  
How did we do?  West could have led the bridge card suitA to hold us to our 12 top tricks, but he led a diamond.
I was able to ruff a diamond in dummy, draw trump and take all 13 tricks for +1460. This was a top board. Many pairs were in 6bridge card suit, but even those who reached the superior 6NT could take only 12 top tricks (on any lead) for +1440.I guess we stumbled into this one!