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A "cuebid" is a bid of the opponent's suit.

This is not the same as a "control" bid as in this auction:

 1bridge card suitPass3bridge card suitPass
 4bridge card suit

Here 4bridge card suit shows the ace or king (or a singleton or void) in diamonds and slam interest.

We should use the term "cuebid" only when bidding a suit which the opponents have bid.

These cuebids come in many flavors, the main ones being:

Michaels Cuebid

This popular convention uses the following scheme:

 1bridge card suit 2bridge card suitMAJORS
 1bridge card suit2bridge card suitMAJORS
1bridge card suit 2bridge card suitbridge card suit+minor
1bridge card suit 2bridge card suitbridge card suit+minor

There is more on Michaels bids by clicking on it.

Cuebid after our takeout double

 1bridge card suitDoublePass2bridge card suit

 South can't want to play in clubs (he could have passed the double). This bid shows a good hand with no clear direction. Partnerships need to discuss how high this bid is forcing.

Western cuebid

This term causes a lot of confusion. To read more about this so-called "Western" cuebid, click the link.

Try 4 practice deals on cuebids, using any device by clicking here!

Watch for board list to advance through all four hands.