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Are These Experts?

Are These Experts?

This deal occurred in the 2009 Las Vegas Regional:

Vul: None
bridge card suit 8 6
bridge card suit K J 5 4 3
bridge card suit A
bridge card suit 10 8 5 4 3
bridge card suitJ 9 3
bridge card suit 8 2
bridge card suit J 9 8 3 2
bridge card suit K Q 9
bridge card suit 10 7 5 2
bridge card suit A Q 9 6
bridge card suit 10 6 5
bridge card suit J 6
bridge card suitA K Q 4
bridge card suit10 7
bridge card suitK Q 4 3
bridge card suitA 7 2
 BerkowitzCohen Sontag
------ 1bridge card suit
Pass1bridge card suit Pass 2NT
Pass 3bridge card suitPass3bridge card suit
Pass 3NT(All Pass)

I've simplified the bidding to show a normal "Checkback" auction.

Berkowitz (West) chose to lead the bridge card suit8.

Would you rather play or defend?

I'll tell it as a story and see if you can spot any errors.

After the heart lead, dummy played low and I won the bridge card suitQ. I returned a diamond and it looks as if declarer has only 7 top tricks.

In dummy, declarer led the bridge card suit8 and passed it to West's bridge card suit9. Berkowitz returned the bridge card suitK won by declarer, who exited with the bridge card suit10.

I won the bridge card suitA and exited with the bridge card suit7 in this position:

Vul: None
bridge card suit 8 6
bridge card suit K J 5
bridge card suit --
bridge card suit 10 5 4
bridge card suitJ 9 3
bridge card suit --
bridge card suit J 9 8 3
bridge card suit Q
bridge card suit 10 7 5 2bridge card suit9 6
bridge card suit 10 5
bridge card suit --
bridge card suitA K Q 4
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitK Q 3
bridge card suit7

Sontag won the bridge card suitA and cashed the bridge card suitK and bridge card suitQ. Then, in desperation, he cashed the top spades and threw me in with the 4th round of spades. Lo and behold, I had to give dummy the last two tricks in hearts for the contract.

So, can 3NT always be made after West's heart lead?

Astute readers will notice my error (thanks a lot). I did well to exit with the bridge card suit7 in the diagrammed position. Exiting with the bridge card suit2 would have been fatal. In fact, the bridge card suit2 was the most important card remaining in my hand. I should have played all my high spades under declarer's A-K-Q. Then, when he tried to throw me in with the fourth spade, declarer would have found himself winning the bridge card suit4 (with me following with the carefully-preserved deuce). That would be a good trade for me. I'd have given him an extra spade, yes, but only for his 8th trick. Then, he would have to give the last 2 tricks to West--down one.

But, I wasn't the only one who took his eye off the ball. At trick 3, when declarer passed a club to David, recall that he continued clubs. Declarer won his bridge card suitA and made a big error. He played his bridge card suit10 to my ace. WRONG!  He should have cashed his A-K-Q of spades and K-Q of diamonds first. Then, and only then, he should exit in hearts. Now, I have no answer. If I've unblocked all my high spades, declarer would have cashed the bridge card suit4 before throwing me in with hearts. If I've kept a higher spade, all I get is that high spade and the bridge card suitA. Try it yourself.

Lastly, Berkowitz (West) was also to blame. When he won the bridge card suit9 at trick three, he should have played a heart. That would have gotten the bridge card suitA out of my hand at the right time. Then, I could never get thrown in during the endgame.

I realize this is a hard deal to follow (thus the "Advanced" tag). Anyone with double-dummy software or the patience to lay out the cards might be able to see all the variations. Bottom line: three errors were made -- one by each expert. I hope that makes all my readers feel better.