An Endplay in Wales

An Endplay in Wales

This deal is from the U.S. versus Europe match in the 2010 Buffet Cup played in Wales.

bridge card suit7
bridge card suitA 10 8 2
bridge card suitK Q J 8
bridge card suitA Q 10 6
bridge card suitA 8
bridge card suitK Q 5
bridge card suitA 9 4 3
bridge card suit7 5 4 3

North opened 1bridge card suit.  After East's Pass, what should South bid?

Although some players like to bash with 3NT, I think it is better to go slowly and scientifically with 1bridge card suit.

I don't see the need to insist on 3NT without investigating.

Over South's 1bridge card suit, West bids 2bridge card suit.

At the table, North bid 3bridge card suit (this is not a "Western Cue-Bid" per se--it just shows a good hand).

East bid 4bridge card suit, and South was now interested in slam. He chose to bid 5NT to say "partner, pick-a-slam."

North picked diamonds, so this was the auction to the small slam:

--1bridge card suit Pass1bridge card suit
2bridge card suit3bridge card suit 4bridge card suit5NT
Pass 6bridge card suitAll Pass

How should South play on the bridge card suitK lead?

Other than the club suit, South looks to be in good shape. At the table, he won the bridge card suitA and played a club to trick two, intending to finesse. This is fairly safe, since West would likely have led a singleton club had he held only one. When the club was played from hand, West produced the king. This is a case of good news bad news. The good news: The bridge card suitK is onside. The bad news: It looks as if East might have started with bridge card suitJ982, which could mean 2 club losers for declarer.

bridge card suit7
bridge card suitA 10 8 2
bridge card suitK Q J 8
bridge card suitA Q 10 6
bridge card suitA 8
bridge card suitK Q 5
bridge card suitA 9 4 3
bridge card suit7 5 4 3

After winning the bridge card suitA, what should declarer do next? It looks like time to start trumps and two high ones from dummy show that West started with bridge card suit10xxx. East throws a spade on the second round of diamonds. 

Now what?

It seems that West started with 6 spades and 4 diamonds and 2-1 in hearts/clubs. Can you see the trouble East will be in if he started with Jxxx in both clubs and hearts? Declarer should cross to the bridge card suitK to ruff his spade loser in dummy. Then play dummy's last high trump and come to the bridge card suitQ (all following low) to leave this position:

bridge card suit--
bridge card suit A 10
bridge card suit--
bridge card suitQ 10 6
bridge card suit --
bridge card suit 5
bridge card suit A
bridge card suit 7 5 4

Declarer plays the bridge card suitA to draw West's last trump. What should he throw from dummy?

Anything should work.

At this point, you expect East is down to bridge card suitJx and bridge card suitJ9x.

Let's say you throw a low club from dummy.

What will East keep?

He can't throw a heart, because that will set up dummy's bridge card suit10.

So, he throws a club.

Now, he is down to Jx in each suit.

You cross to dummy with either a club or heart and then throw East in to give dummy the last two tricks.

This was the full deal:

Vul: N-S
Dir: N
bridge card suit7
bridge card suitA 10 8 2
bridge card suitK Q J 8
bridge card suitA Q 10 6
bridge card suitK Q 6 5 4 2
bridge card suit7 4
bridge card suit10 7 5 2
bridge card suitK
bridge card suitJ 10 9 3
bridge card suitJ 9 6 3
bridge card suit6
bridge card suitJ 9 8 2
bridge card suitA 8
bridge card suitK Q 5
bridge card suitA 9 4 3
bridge card suit7 5 4 3

Let's follow the play with all cards in view. Declarer won the spade lead and played a club to West's king and dummy's ace. Next came two high trumps from dummy. Then came the bridge card suitK to ruff a spade. Dummy's last trump was cashed and declarer came to the bridge card suitQ to draw the last trump. East did not enjoy the process at all. No matter what he keeps, declarer can always throw him in at trick 11 to provide dummy with the last two tricks. A well earned +1370 for North-South.