2007 Trials Deals 1

2007 Trials Deals 1

In the 2007 Team Trials Round of 16, my opponent, Lapt Chan, played this hand beautifully:

Vul: None
Dlr: West
bridge card suit10 6 5
bridge card suitK J 8 7 6 2
bridge card suit9 8
bridge card suit8 6
bridge card suit4 3
bridge card suit9 5 3
bridge card suitK Q 7
bridge card suitA Q J 9 3
bridge card suitJ 7 2
bridge card suitQ 10 3
bridge card suit10 5 4 3 2
bridge card suit5 2
bridge card suitA K Q 9 8
bridge card suitA
bridge card suitA J 6
bridge card suitK 10 7 4
LarryDavidLapt Chan
1bridge card suit*Pass1bridge card suit**X
XX***Pass2bridge card suit3bridge card suit
Pass4bridge card suitAll Pass

*Precision (Could be short)

**A bit of a semi-psyche

***3-card heart "support"

Our (East-West) actions were a bit strange-looking, but the final contract was normal. In fact, most tables in the event reached 4bridge card suit by South, down one.

What can declarer do with all his minor-suit losers? Surely, he has to lose at least a diamond and two clubs, but he has an extra diamond and two extra clubs to deal with. One loser can go on the bridge card suitK, but declarer can't ruff any clubs in dummy (East can overruff).

Anyone with double-dummy software (such as "Deep Finesse") will see that the hand can be made. Although it was defeated at the other table in our match, Lapt played the hand as if he could see all four hands. A trump was led (best) and declarer won the bridge card suit8 in hand and played the bridge card suitJ. This kept RHO off lead (or he would have played a club through for two club tricks and a club overruff). I won a high diamond and continued with a second round of trumps.

At this point, declarer cashed his red aces and ruffed a diamond with dummy's last trump. On the bridge card suitK, he threw away a small club, keeping bridge card suitK107. He ruffed a heart to hand (a key play) and drew the last trump.

Now, I was down to only clubs. Declarer exited with the bridge card suit10 and I had to win and give him a club trick for his contract.

Note that declarer not only timed the hand perfectly, but made the pretty plays of both the bridge card suitJ and bridge card suit10 out of hand, both for the right reason at the right time. This gave his team a well-earned 10 IMPs.