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1-level Wrap-up (Part 2)

1-level Wrap-up (Part 2)

Last article we examined these general concepts:

1) Opener's Jumpshift

2) Opener's Reverse

3) Fourth-Suit Forcing.

This article we wrap-up some more difficult 1-level-opening follow-ups by examining these loose odd-and ends:

4) New-Minor Checkback

5) Inverted Minors

And, next article, we will finish (for now) the 1-level with:

6) 2/1 GF

Warning: Some of this material is a little beyond my normal KISS approach.

4) New-Minor Checkback

This would barely make my top-10 list (maybe at number 9 or 10) for worthwhile conventions. It comes up frequently and serves a useful purpose. Click here to see my lesson sheets on "new minor." (By the way, I use these lesson sheets when I teach live on land and at sea. The material is projected on a large screen and then lesson deals are played. For more cruise/seminar information, click here).

5) Inverted Minors

This convention reverses (or "inverts") the strength of minor-suit raises. In "Standard," a raise from 1bridge card suit to 2bridge card suit (or 1bridge card suit to 2bridge card suit) shows 6-9 and a raise to 3-of-the-minor shows 10-12 (limit). If playing "Inverted," then the raise from 1bridge card suit to 2bridge card suit is 10 and the raise from 1bridge card suit to 3bridge card suit is weak (typically less than 7). There is a gap for hands of about 8-9 points (too strong for 3bridge card suit, but not strong enough for 2bridge card suit). When playing this convention, here are the discussion points:

  1. Is it on by a Passed Hand? I'd say: YES.
  2. Is it on after a Double or Overcall? I'd say: NO.
  3. How high is the partnership forced after the raise from 1 to 2? I recommend that you can stop in a partscore if either player's next bid is 2NT or 3-of-the-minor. Otherwise, it is Game Forcing.
  4. How light can the raise from 1 to 3 be? I suggest relying on the vulnerability. At favorable, it can be something like Jxxxxx and out. At unfavorable, it would be much sounder, maybe up to AQ10xxx and out.
  5. How many cards to raise? In clubs, usually five or more. In diamonds, five are also the normal requirement, but it can occasionally be done with four (since a one-diamond opener is usually four-plus cards).
  6. What does it mean if opener bids 2-of-a-Major after an inverted raise? I recommend that it show a stopper/concentration (it is pointless to show a 4-card major, since responder should never raise a minor with a 4-card major). After this show of concentration, if responder bids 2NT or 3-of-the-minor, it can be passed.

6) 2/1 Game Force (and 1NT-forcing)

Next article, we will delve into this voluminous topic.

Larry's Audio Tour of the Convention Card