Finesses are 50-50 propositions. Good declarers will only take a finesse if all other options have disappeared. On the hands below can you see whether you have run out of options and need to finesse or if there's a better plan available?
The contract is 4. Your opponents have not bid.
Lead: 10
Dummy AK7 |
Declarer Q5 |
Will you take a diamond finesse?
Finesse now
Win the A and finesse later
Don't finesse
Playing in 6, your opponents have not bid.
Lead: 7
Dummy AK43 |
Declarer QJ1052 |
You win and draw trump in three rounds (RHO has three). Which way do you finesse hearts?
Finesse RHO for the Q
Finesse LHO for the Q
Don't take a finesse.
The contract is 3NT and the opponents have not bid.
The lead is the 4 of hearts. RHO plays the Q.
Dummy AQJ63 |
Declarer 974 |
You hold up twice. RHO wins trick 1 with the Q and then trick two with the K. Opening leader follows with the 3 to trick two. The third round is 6 A 9 and you pitch a diamond from dummy. What do you do?
Spade finesse
Club finesse
The contract is 3NT with the opponents silent during the auction.
Dummy 753 |
Declarer AQ64 |
The lead is the J. Do you take a spade finesse?
Spade finesse
The contract is 6, the opponents have not bid.
Dummy A76 |
Declarer Q9 |
The lead is the 5. Do you finesse (play low from dummy) or do something else?
Finesse (play low)
Play the ace