Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Notrump Planning

Notrump Planning

As laid out in the book "Larry Teaches Declarer Play at Notrump" and the DVD, these are the 4 steps to plan (you must plan!) the play in notrump:
1) How many sure tricks do we have?
2) How might we get more tricks?
3) What is the stopper situation?
4) Can I afford to lose the lead; what happens if the bad guys get in?

In this quiz, some of those questions are asked.


Updated December 2019

How many sure tricks does declarer have on the layout below?

♥ A7432
♦ AQJ10
♣ 9
♠ 542
♥ KQ
♦ K876
♣ J1042
Choose One:





Using the same layout (below), which suits might produce extra tricks and how many?

♥ A7432
♦ AQJ10
♣ 9
♠ 542
♥ KQ
♦ K876
♣ J1082
Choose One:

Spades for 3 more, hearts for 2 more, clubs for 1 more.

Spades for 2 more, hearts for 1 more, clubs for 1 more.

Spades for 2 more, hearts for 1 or 2 more, clubs for 1 more.

None of the above

Again, with the layout from Question #1 and #2, let's assume you are in 3NT and they lead the ♠J. What is the stopper situation and can you afford to lose the lead?

♥ A7432
♦ AQJ10
♣ 9
♠ 542
♥ KQ
♦ K876
♣ J1082
Choose One:

You have every suit stopped, but can't afford to lose the lead.

You don't have every suit stopped, and can't afford to lose the lead.

You don't have every suit stopped, but can afford to lose the lead.

You do have every suit stopped, and you can afford to lose the lead.

With the same layout, you are still in 3NT with the ♠J lead. Based on your answers to questions 1-3, what is your plan?

♥ A7432
♦ AQJ10
♣ 9
♠ 542
♥ KQ
♦ K876
♣ J1082
Choose One:

Unblock the ♠KQ, cross in diamonds and try the ♠A to see if hearts split.

Unblock the ♠KQ, cash 4 diamonds ending in dummy, then play the ♠A.

Win the heart lead, and work on clubs.

Win the heart lead and play spades.

Now you'll take a new set of hands for the next questions. The lead is the ♠5. 


♠ 82
♥ K104
♦ KJ1052
♣ K76
♠ A63
♥ A5
♦ A86
♣ QJ1095

How many sure tricks do you have? 

Choose One:






Now we'll continue with the same hand. The lead is the ♠5. 


♠ 82
♥ K104
♦ KJ1052
♣ K76
♠ A63
♥ A5
♦ A86
♣ QJ1095

What suits might you use for more tricks and how many?

Choose One:

Hearts for 1 more, diamonds for four more, clubs for four more.

Diamonds for three or four more, clubs for four more.

Diamonds for two or three more, clubs for four more.

Diamonds for two or three more, clubs for three more.


Now we'll continue with the same hand from problem 5. The lead is the ♠5. 


♠ 82
♥ K104
♦ KJ1052
♣ K76
♠ A63
♥ A5
♦ A86
♣ QJ1095

Let's say East wins the Q on the first round and you hold up. Now East continues with the 10 on the second round, you hold up again and West plays the 4. East now plays a third round of spades. What is the stopper situation and can you afford to lose the lead?

Choose One:

You aren't worried about any stoppers and can afford to lose the lead. 

You are worried about spade stoppers and can't afford to lose the lead to either hand.

You are worried about spade stoppers and can afford to lose the lead to East.


One last question for this layout. The lead is the ♠5. 


♠ 82
♥ K104
♦ KJ1052
♣ K76
♠ A63
♥ A5
♦ A86
♣ QJ1095

What suit should you work on after holding up twice in spades? 

Choose One:


