Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC109 Over My Shoulder Defense 5 of 6 Deal 1 of 4

LC109 Over My Shoulder Defense 5 of 6 Deal 1 of 4

As West, neither side vulnerable, you hold:

♠ K102  
♥ 932  
♦ J10  
♣ 85432.

RHO opens 2♠, raised to 4♠ as shown. What is your opening lead?

Choose One:





Trick one goes as shown. What is the location of the high diamonds?

Choose One:

No clue.

Partner has the ♠KQ (maybe the ace, too).

Partner has the ♠KQ, declarer is holding up the ace.

Partner has the ♠K, declarer has the ♠AQ.

Partner has the ♠AK, declarer has the ♠Q.


Partner continues with the ♠A as shown:

Then comes a 3rd round of diamonds, declarer trumping with the ♠Q as shown. And you?

Choose One:

♠K and another spade.

♠K and a heart.

♠K and a club.

