Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC26R Interpreting 3rd Hand Play Deal 3

LC26R Interpreting 3rd Hand Play Deal 3

As West, you hold:

♠ Q862  
♥ J76  
♦ K98  
♣ A102.

What is your opening after the auction shown below:

Choose One:

Spade or Diamond.



The first trick goes as shown below. What's going on?

Choose One:

Declarer has ♠KJ.

Declarer has the ♠K, but we know nothing else about the suit.

Declarer has the ♠K and the ♠9.

Declarer plays the ♠AKQ (your partner discards a low club on the last round), then leads the ♠Q, won by your king as shown below. What will you do next?

Choose One:




Other club.

