Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC13R Receiving Signals Deal 2

LC13R Receiving Signals Deal 2

As West, you hold:

♠ KQJ9  
♥ 872  
♦ 982  
♣ A92.

You see the auction below (1N-3N)--what is your lead?

Choose One:







The first trick goes as shown (Standard carding). What do you play to trick 2?

Choose One:







Declarer wins the ♠A (everyone following and leads the ♠K). What do you do?

Choose One:

Win and cash spades.

Win and do something else.

Let the ♠K win the trick.

Another high club is played as shown. And you?

Choose One:

Win and cash spades.

Win and do something else.

Let the ♠Q win.

On your ♠Q, partner throws the ♠Q. What is happening?

Choose One:

Partner has lost his mind.

Partner is throwing the top of a sequence and I should shift to diamonds now.

Partner is throwing the top of a sequence and I should cash one more spade and then shift to diamonds.

Partner is saying not to play diamonds.