Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC99A Dont Grab Declarer Deal 4

LC99A Dont Grab Declarer Deal 4

With both sides vulnerable, let's say you decide to open 1♠ with the hand below (1♠ would also be acceptable):

♠ K53  
♥ 54  
♦ K732  
♣ AK74

Partner responds 1♠ as shown below. What is your rebid?

Choose One:





After your 1NT rebid, partner uses New Minor Forcing (if you don't know that convention, no worries).
You deny 3-card heart support and he puts you in 3NT. You get the ♠5 lead as shown below.
What is your plan?

Choose One:

Play the ♠J. If it wins, play more clubs.

Play the ♠J. If it wins, work on diamonds.

Play the ♠J. If it wins, cross to your hand in diamonds and lead a heart.

Play the ♠J. If it wins, play a heart from dummy.

Play low from dummy.


East wins the first round of hearts and returns a club which you win in hand as shown below.
Now what?

Choose One:

Continue clubs.

Work on diamonds.

Play your ♠5.

Play spades.

West wins the ♠A as everyone follows suit. Now what?

Choose One:

No matter what West plays, you can win (and go to dummy if needed) and play the ♠K and give up a heart. You will make the contract.
