Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC53 Versus Preempts Lesson Deal 4

LC53 Versus Preempts Lesson Deal 4

Both sides are vulnerable and you are South, holding:

♠ 2  
♥ AJ1094  
♦ A64  
♣ K1052

RHO opens 2♠ (weak 2-bid in diamonds) as shown below.
What is your call?

Choose One:






Partner raises to 4♠ and the ♠8 is led as shown below.
Which choice is correct?

Choose One:

I have a spade loser, potential club loser and 2 potential diamond losers.

I should win the first trick and draw trump.

I should duck the first trick, win the next one and draw trump.

I should concede a diamond (now or at trick 2) and trump a diamond in dummy.

1 & 2

1 & 3

1 & 4


After trick 2 (assuming you won the ♠A and gave them a diamond), this is the position (below).
Which statement is correct?

Choose One:

As soon as I can, I will draw trump.

I will ruff a diamond in dummy, then draw trump. My contract is safe and I will finesse against East in clubs to try for an overtrick.

I will ruff a diamond in dummy, then draw trump. My contract is safe and I will finesse against West in clubs to try for an overtrick.
