Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC07 Opening Leads Lesson Board 3

LC07 Opening Leads Lesson Board 3

Take the West hand below for Board 3 of the Opening Lead Lesson:

Dlr: South
♠ 762
♥ K74
♦ J98743
♣ A

RHO deals and opens 1♠. What is your call as West?

Choose One:





You and your partner will be passing throughout. But, as you are, I will ask a few questions, like this one -- Which answer best summarizes this auction (assume the opponents are playing 2-ofer-1 Game Forcing).

Choose One:

North's 3♠ wasn't forcing.

North can Pass South's 3♠ bid.

South has a lot of spades and North has a lot of clubs.

None of the above are true.

As you start to run out of Pass cards, what explanation below is accurate:

Choose One:

South now has a heart suit along with his spades.

4NT was Blackwood and if it was keycard, South has shown 2 keycards and the ♠Q.

4NT was Blackwood and if it was keycard, South has shown 2 keycards and NO ♠Q.

4NT should not be Keycard Blackwood; no suit was agreed on.

4NT is Keycard Blackwood in Clubs.

Okay--Were you paying attention? It is the moment of truth.
What will you lead?

Choose One:






Other ♠


Which statement is true:

Choose One:

Leading the ♠A would have worked well.

After the heart lead, declarer has no chance.

This auction screamed for a trump lead.
