Larry's Bridge Quizzes

What Do We Know, What Should We Do?

What Do We Know, What Should We Do?

Defenders start from behind. Declarer's biggest advantage is knowing where all the values are for his side. As a defender, we have to guess where important missing honors might be. That's why it is important for defenders to follow play agreements to help each other identify the location of those missing honors. 

Examples of play agreements: leading the top of an honor sequence, playing the lowest of touching honors in third seat, attitude signals, and leading fourth best against notrump. Some of these agreements are universal and some require discusssion with partner.

Sometimes, we might not know where a missing honor may be, but we should still make a particular play. 

For this quiz, assume we are playing 4th best leads and standard signals. 

Opening lead against 3NT. 



♠ 86



♠ Q9742

  ♠ J
  ♠ A


We lead the ♠4  

Partner plays the ♠J and declarer wins the ♠A. 

Which stament is true: 

Choose One:

Partner has the ♠K, but not the ♠10

Partner has the ♠10, but not the ♠K

Partner has the ♠K and ♠10

Declarer has the ♠K and ♠10

We don't know the location of the ♠K and/or the ♠10

Partner leads the ♠6 against 4♠ (1♠-3♠-4♠).



♠ 543



♠ 6







Dummy has: ♠543. You hold ♠KJ82.

Declarer plays low from dummy. 

What do we know?

Choose One:

Partner has the ♠A and ♠Q

Partner has the ♠Q, but not the ♠A

Partner has the ♠A, but not the ♠Q

Declarer has both the ♠A and ♠Q

We do not know about the ♠A and not the ♠Q


Against 4♠, partner leads the ♠3. 







♠ 3






What do you know?

Choose One:

Partner has the ♠K

Declarer has the ♠K

We do not know who has the ♠K

Against 3NT, partner leads the ♠J. 







♠ J






What do you know?

Choose One:

Partner has the ♠K and ♠10, but not the ♠Q

Partner has the ♠K and ♠Q, but not the ♠10

Partner has ♠K, ♠Q, and ♠10

Partner has the ♠10, but not the ♠K or ♠Q

Partner has the ♠10, but we don't know about the ♠K


Partner leads the ♠4 against 3NT. 






♠ 4






Which of the following is definitely true:

Choose One:

Partner has five hearts

Partner has four hearts

The heart suit can not be running (we can't immediately take all the tricks in this suit). 

Not enough information to say any of these for certain

Against 1NT (1NT All Pass) you lead the ♠




♠ 54



♠ KJ96



Partner wins the ♠A (declarer playing the 3) and plays the ♠7. Declarer plays the ♠10.  

What do we know?

Choose One:

Partner has the ♠Q, and we should win the ♠J and keep playing clubs

Declarer has the ♠Q, and we should win the ♠J and cash the ♠A, then play our fourth club

Declarer has the ♠Q, and we should win the ♠J and cash the ♠A

Declarer has the ♠Q, and we should win the ♠J and then switch suits

None of the above