Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Play This Grand

Play This Grand

In this quiz, you will be declaring 7♠. You need to plan carefully to make it. You receive the lead of the ♠10. 

With what card do you win Trick 1?


Choose One:





It doesn't matter

What will you play to Trick 2?

Choose One:








Sure enough, diamonds were 4-0. After you register that East has discarded, what will you do next?

Choose One:



Low ♠


Let's assume you crossed to your ♠A. Now what?

Choose One:




♠10 or 9

Low ♠


The ♠10 wins the trick (West played low and East threw a heart) to leave:

Now what?

Choose One:






What do you play from dummy to trick 6?

Choose One:




Low ♠

Fortunaetly, both opponents followed when you came to your ♠K (a 5-0 club break would have spelt doom). Now what?

Choose One:




♠A and discard a spade.

♠A and discard a club.

Low ♠


What will you play to trick 8?

Choose One:






No rest for the weary. When you play a club to the ace, West shows out. Now what?

Choose One:




I am lost beyond belief.

Are you still hanging in there? What do you plan at trick 10?

Choose One:

Win the ♠Q and play another spade.

Cross to the ♠J and ruff a club.

Play the ♠6 (Please don't select this option).

Play the last trump.