Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC105 Over My Shoulder Defense 1 of 6 Deal 3 of 4

LC105 Over My Shoulder Defense 1 of 6 Deal 3 of 4

Vulnerable against not, you deal and pass with:

♠ 654  
♥ 865  
♦ KJ4  
♣ K765.

RHO doubles partner's third-seat weak 2♠ bid. You could raise to 3♠, but with this flat ugly hand, vulnerable, you reasonably elect to pass. LHO's 4♠ buys it and partner leads the ♠Q as shown:

Declarer wins the ♠A and plays the ♠J as shown below:

Your plan?

Choose One:

Let the ♠J win.

♠K, ♠7

♠K, ♠K.

♠K, ♠4.

♠K, trump.

♠K spade.