Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC92 Defense Overview Deal 4

LC92 Defense Overview Deal 4

As East, you hold:

♠ Q7  
♥ 943  
♦ AJ8  
♣ K9862.

LHO opens 2♠ and RHO responds 2NT, interested in game (asking for a Feature). And you?

Choose One:




Opener bids 3NT (their agreement--which is not "standard"--is that this shows 6 hearts and a flat minimum) and RHO bids 4♠.

Partner leads the ♠6 as shown and dummy plays low. You play...

Choose One:




Your ♠J holds the trick as shown. What do you play to trick 2?

Choose One:







This is the position after partner wins the ♠K. Partner plays a club. Why?

Choose One:

No clue.

Because West knows that no more diamonds will cash. He knows you have the ♠A, but declarer has none left. There is no future in diamonds. Dummy's spades look threatening. The best chance for defensive tricks is clubs.