Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC99A Dont Grab Declarer Deal 2

LC99A Dont Grab Declarer Deal 2

Vulnerable against not, you deal with:

♠ KQ43  
♥ AK7  
♦ A763  
♣ 76

♠ KQ43  
♥ AK7  
♦ A763  
♣ 76
What is your call?

Choose One:






Partner raises to 3NT and the ♠J is led as shown below.
You have 8 top tricks (3 spades, 2 hearts, 1 diamond and 2 clubs).
How will you get more?

Choose One:

Duck the first trick.

Win the ♠K and take a club finesse.

Win the ♠K and play a club to the ace.

Win the ♠K and duck a diamond.

Win the ♠K and play hearts.

Win the ♠K and see if spades are 3-3.

So, let's take a Mulligan and go back to Trick 2 and lead the ♠3 from our hand as shown below. Why?

Choose One:

Because this preserves all of our other chances (spades or clubs) but also brings the potential of 3-3 diamonds into play.


So, East does win the second round of diamonds and plays another heart which we win (see below).
Now what?

Choose One:

Take the club finesse.

Test to see if spades or diamonds are 3-3.