Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC99A Dont Grab Declarer Deal 1

LC99A Dont Grab Declarer Deal 1

You deal with nobody vulnerable, holding:

♠ KQ4  
♥ Q102  
♦ Q103  
♣ AK72

♠ KQ4  
♥ Q102  
♦ Q103  
♣ AK72

What is your call?

Choose One:






Partner raises to 3NT and the ♠2 is led.
Which statement is correct (there could be more than one)?

Choose One:

You have 7 top tricks.

Assuming standard opening leads, the East-West spades are 4-3.

You should play clubs right away.

You should try to get your 8th and 9th trick by playing for clubs 3-3 and then working on hearts.

You should win the spade lead and start diamonds. It doesn't matter where you win the first trick.

You should win the spade lead and start diamonds. It matters where you win the first trick.

1 & 2

1 & 2 & 5

You play the ♠Q as shown below and West wins the ace. Holding up would not do West any good (as you could just play more diamonds).
Now that West is on lead, which statement is true:

Choose One:

A heart switch could end up setting the contract.

You are not assured of making your contract.

The contract is now 100%.