Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC07 Opening Leads Lesson Board 1

LC07 Opening Leads Lesson Board 1

Take the West hand below for the first Lesson Deal:

Dlr: South
♠ 1043
♥ 543
♦ 8765
♣ A32

The dealer on your right opens 1♠. The auction is shown in the top right as indicated.

We'll start you with a very easy question. What is your call?  Ha-ha.

Choose One:




After your incredible decision to Pass, North raises to 2♠, your partner overcalls 2♠ (as shown) and South jumps to 4♠ and everyone passes.

Think it over and decide what to lead.

Choose One:





Other ♠



This is the full deal:

After your (correct) low spade lead, dummy will play low and your partner will win the ♠J.
At trick 2, what will East play?

Choose One:

A trump.

A diamond.


High Spade.

After East's high spade takes the second trick, what would he do at Trick 3?


Choose One:

Try to cash the third spade trick.




So, what is the conclusion?

Choose One:

Any lead on this deal would have worked.

Any spade lead would have worked.

West had to lead a low spade.