Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Overtaking or Undertaking Honors

Overtaking or Undertaking Honors

Generally speaking, it's a bad idea to steal partner's trick by taking his winner with one of your own or playing an honor when it won't win the trick (which I call "undertaking"). That said, sometimes you'll need to play a high honor so that a suit can run or so that partner can switch to a different suit. How good are you at knowing when to overtake or undertake? Find out below. 

You might also consider getting Larry's book on Defense HERE or try Larry's Defense Webinar series which you can find HERE

You are East. 

 West  North  East (YOU)  South 
 Pass  2♠  Pass  2♠
Pass 3NT All Pass  


Lead: ♠K


♠ AK54
♥ 764
♦ A972
♣ 98


East (YOU)

♠ 98764
♥ A8
♦ 543
♣ Q62

Do you play the A or the 8?

Choose One:



You are East. 

 West  North  East (You)  South 
Pass Pass Pass  


Lead: ♠K


♠ 875
♥ J73
♦ KQ105
♣ 432


East (YOU)

♠ Q1062
♥ A2
♦ 9762
♣ 865

Do you play the ♠A or the ♠2?

Choose One:



You are East. 

Contract: 4♠

Lead: ♠K

WestNorth  East (You)  South 
 Pass  2NT*  Pass  4♠
 Pass   Pass  Pass  

*Jacoby 2NT

North (DUMMY)

♠ K975
♥ 43
♦ AQJ76
♣ A8


East (YOU)

♠ A73
♥ A102
♦ 4
♣ 10763

Which card do you play?

Choose One:




You are East. 

Lead: ♠Q

 West  North  East (You)  South 
 Pass  3NT  All Pass  


North (DUMMY)

♠ AJ5
♥ 93
♦ A52
♣ K7432


East (YOU)

♠ Q764
♥ J52
♦ 9764
♣ 86

Which card do you play?

Choose One:




You are East. 

 West  North  East(You)  South 
   1♠  Pass  1♠
 Pass  2♠  Pass  3♠*
 Pass  3♠  All Pass  

*Help-suit game try

Lead: ♠K

North (DUMMY)

♠ KJ9
♥ K742
♦ 109
♣ KQJ7


East (YOU)

♠ AQ105
♥ 65
♦ AJ87
♣ 108

Which card do you play?

Choose One:





You are East.

 West  North East South 
 Pass  2♠  Pass  2NT
 Pass  4♠  All Pass  


Lead: ♠A

North (DUMMY)

♠ 762
♥ AQ3
♦ 972
♣ AK107


East (YOU)

♠ QJ102
♥ 984
♦ 86
♣ 5432

What card do you play?

Choose One:





You are East.

West North  East (You)  South 
 2♠  DBL 3♠   3NT
 Pass  Pass  Pass  


Opening lead: ♠J

North (DUMMY)

♠ AQ4
♥ 3
♦ K764
♣ AKQ63


East (YOU)

♠ 8632
♥ QJ6
♦ A983
♣ 64

What do you play?

Choose One:



