Larry's Bridge Quizzes

To Draw or Not to Draw

To Draw or Not to Draw

The most important decision in any trump contract is: "Should I draw trumps as my first move, or do something else."
Some (not a complete list) reasons to postpone trump drawing:
1) Need to trump losers in dummy
2) Need to set up (or take) a discard
3) Need trump in dummy for entries
If there is no reason not to draw trump, then draw them.

This is just a one-paragraph summary of a subject that is covered in entire books!

Try your hand at the following 5 layouts.

♠ KQ3
♥ A
♦ KQ1075
♣ J763
♠ AJ1076
♥ 654
♦ AJ3
♣ K2

You receive a heart lead against 6♠.

Will you draw all the trump right away?

Choose One:



♠ KQ3
♥ A
♦ KQ1075
♣ Q873
♠ AJ1076
♥ 654
♦ AJ3
♣ K4

You are in 6♠ and receive a heart lead.

Should you draw trumps right away?

Choose One:



♠ KQ3
♥ A
♦ J875
♣ Q7642
♠ AJ1076
♥ 7642
♦ 643
♣ A

Against 4♠, you receive a heart lead.

Should you draw all the trumps right away?

Choose One:



♠ KQ3
♥ A
♦ 762
♣ Q109653
♠ AJ1098
♥ 53
♦ J3
♣ AK42

In your local duplicate game, you receive a heart lead against 4♠.

Should you draw all of the trump right away?

Choose One:



♠ KQ10
♥ A
♦ 876
♣ A76543
♠ AJ9876
♥ 65
♦ K1043
♣ 8

A heart is led against your 4♠ contract.

Should you draw trump right away? If not, what is your plan?

Choose One:

Yes (Draw trump right away).

No -- try to trump a heart in dummy first.

No -- try to set up the clubs first.