When dummy comes down, you need to take stock of what it will provide for declarer. Sometimes the dummy offers declarer ruffing opportunities. Sometimes the dummy has a long suit that declarer will use for tricks. Sometimes, though, dummy doesn't look to have anything particularly useful. If you figure out what the dummy is good for, you can defend properly by attacking or playing passively.
With these deals, you have to figure out what the dummy can help declarer with and then decide what to do about it.
The auction is:
West | North | East | South |
1 | |||
Pass | 2 | Pass | 4 |
All Pass |
Partner leads the Q.
What is the threat in this dummy?
Vul:None Dlr: S |
DUMMY 432 |
YOU 5 |
Ruffing diamonds
No threat
The auction is:
West | North | East | South |
1 | |||
Pass | 2 | Pass | 4 |
All Pass |
Partner leads the Q.
How should we combat declarer's plan?
Vul:None Dlr: S |
DUMMY 432 |
YOU 5 |
Play small. Partner's problem.
Play the K and play a trump.
Play the K and cash the A. Switch to trump.
Play the K and play the Q.
Play the K and play the J.
The auction is:
West | North | East | South |
1NT | |||
Pass | 3NT | All Pass |
Partner leads the J. What is the threat in dummy?
Vul:None Dlr: S |
A92 72 KQ10932 87 |
KQ65 A84 A54 543 |
The auction is:
West | North | East | South |
1NT | |||
Pass | 3NT | All Pass |
Partner leads the J. How can you neutralize the threat in dummy?
Vul:None Dlr: S |
A92 72 KQ10932 87 |
KQ65 A84 A54 543 |
Win the A and attack hearts
Win the A and switch to a club
Win the A and switch to a low spade
Win the A and switch to the K
Win the A and switch to a diamond
The auction is:
West | North | East | South |
1 | |||
Pass | 2 | Pass | 4 |
All Pass |
Partner leads the Q
Vul:None Dlr: South |
YOU K102 |
What is the danger in dummy?
No danger
The auction is:
West | North | East | South |
1 | |||
Pass | 2 | Pass | 4 |
All Pass |
Partner leads the Q
Vul:None Dlr: South |
YOU K102 |
You win the A at trick one (declarer could have a singleton K). Declarer follows low. What now?
Continue clubs
Switch to a diamond
Switch to a heart (trump)
Switch to a spade
Other (I'm confused)