Larry's Bridge Quizzes

Keeping Score

Keeping Score

With the advent of scoring machines and online bridge, fewer and fewer players know how to keep score in bridge. That's not the end of the world. However, when making competitive decisions, it's important to know which contract scores better. In this quiz, I won't ask you what the score is for a particular contract, but I will ask you which score is best (or worst). 


Scoring notation. Contracts are from the perspective of declarer so 4♠= means declarer made exactly 4♠. 4♠-1 means it went down one and 4♠+1 means declarer took 11 tricks. 

+ or - depends on whether your side was successful or not. 

 There are no deals or auctions here: just results. 

Which of these is the BEST score for your side?

Both sides vulnerable

Choose One:

Defending 1NT =

Defending 3♠ =

Playing 2♠ -1

Which of these is the WORST score for your side? 


Both sides vul. 

Choose One:

Defending 3♠ =

Defending 2NT +1

Defending 2♠ +2

Playing 3♠ -2

Which of these is the BEST result for your side? 

You are non-vulnerable against vulnerable opponents. 

Choose One:

Defending 2♠=

Defending 1NT +1

Defending 3♠=

Playing in 3♠ -2

Which of these is the BEST score for your side? 


Both sides vulnerable

Choose One:

Playing 3NT +1

Playing 4♠ =

Playing 5♠ + 1

Defending 2♠x -2

Which of these would get your side the BEST result?


Not vulnerable vs vulnerable. 

Choose One:

Playing 5♠x -3

Defending 3NT=

Defending 4♠ + 3

Defending 5♠+2

Which of these will get the WORST score for your side? 

None vulnerable. 

Choose One:

Defending 1NTx +1

Defending 2♠x +1

Defending 3♠x =

Playing 2♠x -2

Which of these would give your side the BEST result?

Not vulnerable vs vulnerable.

Choose One:

Defending 6♠ =

Defending 5♠xx+1

Defending 7♠=

Playing in 6♠x-6