Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC107 Over My Shoulder Defense 3 of 6 Deal 1 of 4

LC107 Over My Shoulder Defense 3 of 6 Deal 1 of 4

As East, neither side vulnerable, you hold:

♠ AJ109  
♥ A843  
♦ 52  
♣ 876.

South keeps bidding diamonds and North-South arrive in 5♠ as shown. Partner leads the ♠2 standard. Dummy will play the ♠7. What is your plan?

Choose One:


♠A (declarer plays the ♠6) and another heart.

♠A (declarer plays the ♠6) and then a trump.

♠A (declarer plays the ♠6) and then the ♠J.

♠A (declarer plays the ♠6) and then the ♠A.


At trick two, when you play the ♠A, the other players follow as shown below (standard carding). Now what?

Choose One:



