Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC68 Throw-in Play Webinar Practice Deal 2

LC68 Throw-in Play Webinar Practice Deal 2

As South, Vulnerable against not, you are dealt:

♠ --  
♥ AJ2  
♦ KQ108765  
♣ K103.

RHO deals and opens 2♠. What is your call?

Choose One:







The auction continues as shown and the ♠A is led. What is your plan?

Choose One:

Discard a club.

Trump and draw trump and play a club to the king.

Trump and draw trump and play a club to the ten.

Trump and draw trump and cash hearts ending in dummy and play a club to the king.

Trump and draw trump and cash hearts ending in dummy and play a club to the ten.

Trump and draw trump and make a loser-on-loser play (throw a spade on a club).

Trump and draw trump and strip the spades then cash hearts ending in dummy and play a club to the king.

Trump and draw trump and strip the spades then cash hearts ending in dummy and play a club to the ten.

After you draw trump (they are 1-1) and cash hearts (all following) you arrive in dummy in the position below. Assuming RHO plays a low club as shown, what do you do?

Choose One:

Play the ♠10 (but the ♠K if RHO produced the ♠J or ♠Q).

Play low.

Play the king.