Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC104 Discarding Deal 3

LC104 Discarding Deal 3

As East, you hold:

♥ 765 
♦ 1043  
♣ 7543.

Tired of these lousy hands? Take a slam-bidding seminar. :)
Seriously, a great way to improve is to focus more when you get bad hands like this--especially when they are in a quiz.

Against the auction shown below (2N-3N), partner leads the ♠K. What do you play?

Choose One:




Partner continues as shown below. What can you conclude?

Choose One:


Declarer has the ♠A, but there is no way to know the rest of the heart suit.

Declarer started with ♠Ax (doubleton).


Declarer continues with the ♠AKQJ. Partner discards a low spade on the third round and another spade as shown below. What do you discard?

Choose One:


♠Q or ♠J

