Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC26R Interpreting 3rd Hand Play Deal 4

LC26R Interpreting 3rd Hand Play Deal 4

As West, you hold:

♠ AK6  
♥ J76  
♦ K854  
♣ 1073.

What is your opening lead after the auction shown?

Choose One:

4th from your longest and strongest.

Something else.

The first trick goes as shown. What is your conclusion?

Choose One:

I have no conclusion. I'd better watch the lesson again.

No way to know what is going on.

Declarer started with ♠AQ.

Declarer started with ♠AJ.

Partner started with ♠QJ9.

At trick 2, declarer plays the ♠Q as shown. Now what?

Choose One:

Let it win.

Take the ♠A and continue spades.

Take the ♠A and play the ♠K.

Take the ♠A and do something else.

Take the ♠K and continue spades.

Take the ♠K and play the ♠K.

Take the ♠K and play the ♠5.

Take the ♠K and play a heart or club.