Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC92 Defense Overview Part 2 (Strategy) Deal 5

LC92 Defense Overview Part 2 (Strategy) Deal 5

As West, you hold:

♠ QJ94  
♥ K84  
♦ Q87  
♣ A87.

The dealer on your right opens 1NT (15-17). Your call is...

Choose One:




LHO transfers to hearts and you end up on lead against 4♠ as shown. Your choice...

Choose One:






Dummy wins the ♠K as shown.


What do you do when declarer passes the ♠Q as below?

Choose One:


♠K and then play another heart.

♠K and then play a low spade.

♠K and then play the ♠J.

♠K and then play a low ♠.

♠K and then play the ♠Q.

♠K and then play a low ♠.

♠K and then play the ♠A.

When you return a heart, declarer can win it as shown -- but now he has to do his own dirty work.

Likely he will try a diamond to the jack (it can't hurt).


If declarer does play a diamond to his jack and your queen, what will you do next?



Choose One:

Exit passively again (in a red suit).

Play a dangerous black suit.