Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC92 Defense Overview Part 2 (Strategy) Deal 1

LC92 Defense Overview Part 2 (Strategy) Deal 1

As West, you are dealt:

♠ 7  
♥ K82  
♦ J8632  
♣ A764.

Nobody is vulnerable and RHO opens 1NT. What is your call?

Choose One:


Show a 2-suiter (if your system allows).

Overcall natural 2♠.


LHO raises to 3NT as shown and you decide to lead 4th from your longest and strongest. The first trick is shown. What do you know?

Choose One:

Nothing, I already turned over the first trick and forgot to digest it.

Partner has the ♠10 and a higher diamond as well.

Partner has ♠109, and maybe other diamonds.

Declarer has ♠AKQ9 or ♠AKQ97.


At trick 2, declarer leads a low club as shown. You play...

Choose One:


Low ♠

Another club is played as shown, partner throwing a standard ♠2. And you?

Choose One:

Play low; let them win the trick.

Win the ♠A and play another club.

Win the ♠A and play a diamond.

Win the ♠A and play a low heart.

Win the ♠A and play a spade.


What should happen now?

Choose One:

Partner will win the ♠A and go back to the suit you led a trick one (diamonds).

Partner will win the ♠A and play the ♠Q next.

Partner will win the ♠A and play a low heart. You will win the ♠K and play more hearts for down 1.
