Larry's Bridge Quizzes

LC99B Dont Grab Deal 4

LC99B Dont Grab Deal 4

With both sides vulnerable, you hold as West:

♠ K2  
♥ QJ108  
♦ Q43  
♣ K1062.

RHO (South) opens 1♠ and it is up to you.

Choose One:




LHO bids 2NT (Jacoby--GF raise) and RHO bids 4♠ to show a flat minimum (no singletons or voids).
Here is an easy opening lead problem:

Choose One:








Declarer wins your heart lead in dummy as shown below.

Then, he cashes another heart and leads the ♠Q around to your king as shown:

And now?

Choose One:







Below is the full deal:

Declarer won the heart lead and cashed another heart. He then took a spade finesse and you won and played a second spade.
It turns out that another heart or diamond would have not cost, but why take the chance?
A club lead certainly would cost a club trick.

Which statement is true?

Choose One:

After your safe play, declarer has to go down.

Even though you defended as well as possible, the contract can still make.