The Ones We Should Get Right

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 01/01/2019
Level: Intermediate

This deal was (mis)played by a Southwestern expert (and National Champion) who shall remain nameless. Can we all make a new year's resolution to get the deals right that we should get right? With both sides vulnerable, his partner dealt and opened 2NT. Responder held:

♠ 108432  
♥ --  
♦ A75432  
♣ A4.

He transferred to spades and then bid 4♠. This is natural (showing at least 5-4 in spades and diamonds) with slam interest. Opener bid 4♠. What's that? Likely some sort of slam interest (certainly not a signoff). Responder didn't know what to do next (Blackwood with a void is generally a poor idea), so he just guessed to jump to 6♠. Everyone passed and the ♠Q was led:

♠ AQ7
♥ A2
♦ KQ986
♣ KQ6
♠ 108432
♥ --
♦ A75432
♣ A4

Opener did well to leave you in diamonds (instead of trying for a slightly higher score in 6♠). With the shaky spade suit, 6♠ might fail, while 6♠ is actually 100%. Can you see how?

This is one of those draw trump, strip the hand and claim deals. Yet, our anti-hero messed it up. He ruffed the opening lead and played a diamond to the king (trumps were 1-1-). He cashed 3 clubs throwing a spade and then the ♠A throwing another spade. He came to hand with the ♠A and led a spade to the...queen. Ugh.  All he had to to was cover whatever spade LHO played and claim on an endplay. This was the Real Deal:


Dlr: North
♠ AQ7
♥ A2
♦ KQ986
♣ KQ6
♠ J95
♥ QJ1087
♦ 10
♣ J532
  ♠ K6
♥ K96543
♦ J
♣ 10987
  ♠ 108432
♥ --
♦ A75432
♣ A4

As you can see, the ♠Q lost to the king and back came a spade, down one.       

In my mind, this is an easy one. However, if a national champion could go wrong, I suppose so could you.