Brain Teaser

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 12/01/2010
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

This brain-teaser was shown to me by Ed Lucas of Tempe, AZ:

?10 6 5
?J 9 8
?A Q J 10 8 6 5
  YOU (East)
6? by South ?8 2
?K 8 7 4
?Q 10 3
?9 7 4 3

North opens 3? and South bids 6?


Partner leads the ?2 (Standard leads). 


You play the ?K and declarer plays the ?Q!


What is going on, and what do you do next?


Scroll down for answer.



Scroll down ...



I know -- this looks too easy for an experienced player.

Partner surely has underled his hearts, with the suit-preference deuce (from A J 9 3 2) to get his club ruff. Did you give it to him?   Nice.  That's what declarer wanted.  He has made a brilliant falsecard, for the entire deal is:

?10 6 5
?J 9 8
?A Q J 10 8 6 5
?6 4 3
?J 9 3 2
?K 6 4 2
?K 2
  ?8 2
?K 8 7 4
?Q 10 3
?9 7 4 3
  ?A K Q J 10 9 7 5
?A Q
?A 7 5






Anything but a club at trick two defeats the contract. Did you fall into the trap? Give declarer full credit.