Set 24Results

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 05/01/2017
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 24 Results

For instructions, click here.

Board 1, West Deals, Both

?K Q 8 7
?K Q J
?K J 9
?K Q J
?8 7 5
?Q 10 8 6 5 4
?A 7 6





Scores for Board 1:

5NT: 10
5?: 7
Slams: 1

Obviously, the trick here is to avoid slam off two aces. After West's 2NT, maybe East should just use Gerber. When off 2 aces (surprise!), he can sign off in 4NT. If East chooses some auction to show diamonds, then the partnership had better know how to check for aces (or keycards). 

Board 2:West Deals, Both Vul.

?A K
?Q J 7
?A J 9 7 5 3
?A K
?Q 6
?A K 8 5 3 2
?10 8 6 5





Scores for Board 2:


6NT: 5



Because trumps can be drawn and diamonds set up (tons of entries), this is a great heart grand slam. Playing "Standard," the auction would begin 2?-2?. Will West raise hearts immediately (I would), or bid his diamonds first? The issue is the 2nd round diamond control--not obviously easy how to resolve.


Board 3, South Opens 3?, Nobody Vul.

?J 7 2
?A K Q J 7
?A 6 5
?8 7
  ?A K 9 8 6
?K J 9
?A K 9 5






Scores for Board 3:

6NT: 10
6 MAJ: 8
5NT: 6
5 MAJ: 4

After South's 3?, West will likely overcall 3?. East could bid 3? (forcing), but let's face it--the thought of 6NT will immediately spring to mind, and East is likely to eventually head there.

Board 4, North Passes, South bids 3?, North bids 5?, E-W Vul

?K Q 9 8 5 4
?8 7 6 3
? 5 4
  ?A J 3
?A Q 10 5 4 2
?9 5 3





Scores for Board 4:

5 MAJ: 10
6 MAJ: 8
5? Doubled: 4
5? Undoubled:1


Slam is decent since the ?K rates to be onside. My worry would be whether to play for ?Kx as opposed to ?KJx. The key is to play the hand as opposed to defending. How should E-W know? East opens 1? and South bids 3?. West is probably worth only 3? (he has the wrong doubleton) and North bids 5?. Is this a Forcing Pass Situation? I don't play a lot of forcing passes, but this one qualifies (I have a rule: If there is a passed hand opposite a preempt, they can't play in game undoubled). If East can make a forcing pass, will West bid on?  His club holding is unattractive. It won't surprise me if there are many pairs defending 5? doubled--which might even make (3-0 hearts and 3-1 spades, for example--and the defense doesn't negotiate the diamond ruff).

***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***