Set 15Results

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 09/14/2016
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 15 Results

For instructions, click here.


Board 1, West deals, both vul


?A K Q J 10 4
?K 4
?K 9 8 7
  ?7 5
?Q 10 9 8 6 5
?10 2
?A 5 3





Scores for Board 1:

4?: 10
4?: 7
5?: 3
3?/3NT: 2


We start this set with one of the easier problems in this series. After a 1?-1N start, it is far from clear what West should rebid. A straightforward 4? or 3? should lead to the correct final contract.


Board 2, West deals E-W vul

?A Q J 9 7 6 4
?Q 2
?A J 2
  ?8 3 2
?K 7 6 4
?Q J 3
?K 8 6






Scores for Board 2:



3NT: 4


Already this set is a candidate for easiest in the series. This looks like another routine 4?, maybe after 1?-2?-4?. For some reason, this deal is in the Becker Archives--so maybe you and your partner will discover what the problem is.

Board 3, East deals, both vul

?A 10 9 5 4
?J 3
?K Q 8 4 2
  ?K 3 2
?A K J 10 9 4
?Q 10 9





Scores for Board 3:

4?: 10
3NT: 9

4NT: 6





The trick here is to avoid playing in spades (off 4 likely tricks). The auction is likely to begin 1?-1?-2?-3?. At this point, East might bid 3? which will lead to that nasty 4? contract. At some point, West or East needs to steer the partnership into hearts or notrump. Good luck!


Board 4, West deals, nobody vul


?10 2
?A K 10 9 6 4
?A J 9
?K 3
  ?A K 8 7 5
?A J 9 8 7 6 4






6?: 10

6NT: 6


5NT: 4
6?/7?: 3

5?: 2

7NT: 1

So much for the easy set. If anyone was on their way to 40 out of 40, this one might have done them in. How to reach 6?? Let's start with 1?-2?-2?-2?-2NT-3?.  Now, West should appreciate his prime cards and bid 4?. It's a bit of guesswork from here on.




***Full Book by Larry Cohen with Bidding Practice and results/analysis.***