An unusal number

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 07/04/2001
Level: Intermediate

In the 2001 U.S. Team Trials I held this ordinary-looking hand:

?Q J 4
?A J 9 8 7
?10 9 8
?5 3

Vulnerable against not, my partner, David Berkowitz opened 1NT. Our range is 14-16. My first move was easy, I bid 2 ? which we play as a "relay" to 2?. Partner was forced to bid 2 ? and I had a decision. Should I invite game (via 2NT)? My spots were excellent, and vulnerable at IMPs it pays to bid aggressive games. But, as we accept with most 15's, I didn't want to reach game with two balanced hands totaling only 23 HCP. So, I passed.

My expert LHO balanced with 3 ?. I was planning on doubling this, but David continued with 3 ?. Now, I knew he had a good hand for hearts (after all, he bid 3 ? vulnerable when I could have had five small hearts and nothing else). There was also a good chance he had only a doubleton diamond, which would fit well with my hand. (Picture, for example: ? Kxxx ? KQxx ? xx ? AKx, and game is superb).

So, I raised to 4?. The opponents had "balanced us into game." This isn't a normal occurrence in expert circles. The auction wasn't over. My LHO doubled 4?, and my partner redoubled!

This was the full deal :

Vul: N-S
Dlr: South
?Q J 4
?A J 9 8 7
?10 9 8
?5 3
?8 7 5 2
?K 5 3
?K J 8 7 5
  ?A 10
?Q J 7 6 5 4
?Q 10 9 2
  ?K 9 6 3
?Q 10 6 2
?A K 3
?A 4
  Larry   David
      1NT (14-16)
Pass 2? Pass 2?
Pass Pass 3? 3?
Pass 4?! Double Redouble !!
Pass Pass Pass  


Notice that East-West would have done well to sacrifice in 5? X, which probably goes down only 2 (-300). Against 4 ?, West led his singleton diamond, to dummy's 10, East's jack and David's ace. With the aid of the heart finesse, David drew trumps and knocked out the ? A. He threw one of dummy's clubs on his spades and eventually picked up the diamonds to make 12 tricks! What's the score for 4 ? XX vulnerable with 2 overtricks? An astounding 1880. Our teammates were -680, and we won 15 unusual (undeserved?) IMPs.