Set 07 East Hands

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 09/14/2015
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Set 7 East Hands

for instructions, click here.

#1) West deals, N-S Vul., North bids spades, and then if possible, South bids 2?

?A Q J 9 7 2
?8 3 2
?J 5 2



#2) East deals, both vulnerable

?A K 10 8 5
?J 10 9 6 5
?Q 8



#3) West deals, nobody vulnerable

?K J 8 2
?Q J 10 9 8 4
?10 3



#4) West deals, nobody vulnerable 

?J 7
?A 10 8 5 4 2
?8 2
?K Q 5