Set 02Results

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 06/01/2015
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Results for Set 2 (for instructions, click here).

Deal 1: West deals, both vulnerable

?A Q 9 8 6 5
?A 7
?A K 8 6 2
  ?J 2
?6 4
?Q 7 3
?A J 10 9 7 3





Deal 1 Scores:

6?: 10
6?: 9
5?: 5
5?: 3
3NT: 1

Slam is good, but my no means "laydown." 6? has slightly more chances to make than 6?. West could open 2?, but 2-suiters are usually easier to bid by starting low. After 1?, East will respond 1NT and West will jumpshift to 3?. East will give a false preference to 3? and West could now repeat his diamonds. At this point, East might bid 5? (it is too late for clubs to be playable, so this would show a control). East should love his ?J, ?Q and ?A -- all valuable cards. After East's show of life, West is likely to insist on slam (he might use 5NT pick-a-slam).

Deal 2: West deals, neither side vulnerable

?A 6 2
?Q 8
?K Q 5
?K Q 10 9 7
  ?K 7
?K 10 7
?A 10 6 3 2
?A 6 4






Deal 2 Scores:

6NT: 10
6?/6?: 8
5NT: 5 (Note: this means that 4NT and 3NT get the same score)
5?/5?: 2

West opens 1NT and East might simply bid 3NT. Something must be wrong since slam is very good. Maybe East will show his diamonds and/or make some sort of slam move. After this, West has reasonable enough cards to cooperate. This one is not easy--but in bidding practice/contests, East is more likely to eschew a direct raise to 3NT.

Deal 3: South deals and opens 1?, both vulnerable

?K 3
?7 2
?A K 8 3
?A 9 7 6 4
  ?A Q 5 2
?8 6 4
?Q 7 5
?Q J 10





Deal 3 Scores:

5?: 10 
4?: 7 (Note: this means that lower club contracts get the same score)
2NT: 5
3NT: 1

With South opening the bidding, 5? is a good contract since the club finesse rates to be onside. West could overcall 2? (I prefer a better suit for a 2-level overcall, but West has a good-enough hand to bid). East will bid 2?, but it isn't clear that either player will get his side past 3?. If anyone tries notrump without a heart stopper, it won't work out too well.

Deal 4: West deals, both vulnerable

?A J 10 8 6 2
?K 10
?A 7 3
?Q 4
  ?K Q
?K J 10 8
?A K J 10 9 5





Deal 4 Scores:

6NT (by West): 10
6?: 8
6?: 5
5NT (by West): 4
6NT (by East): 4
5?: 3
5?: 2

West opens 1?, East responds 2? and West rebids 2?. If in a game force, East might raise to 3? next to try to simplify the auction (if he does, West can make a move with 4? and East can RKC into 6?). If East bids 3? at his second turn, West could bid 3NT. Now, it is possible to reach 6NT, but still not easy.


Full book of practice bidding hands.