
Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 08/08/2009
Level: Intermediate to Advanced

Namyats is a convention that employs a 4-of-a-minor opening to show a strong 4-of-a-major opening.

4? = A strong 4? opening

4? = A strong 4? opening

What does "strong" mean?  Let's assume you deal with nobody vulnerable. Consider these two hands:

A) ?5
?K Q J 10 7 6 5 3
?4 3
?5 4

B) ?--
?A Q J 10 8 7 6 2
?K Q 2
?4 3

With both hands, you'd like to preempt 4? to make it difficult on the opponents. The first hand is somewhat normal, but the 2nd hand is really too good to preempt--you could easily miss a slam. Playing Standard, I'd open Hand A) with 4?, but Hand B) with 1?.

Playing Namyats, you still open Hand A) with 4?, but can open Hand B) with 4? to tell partner you have "extra."

The exact amount of extra depends on vulnerability and position. If vulnerable, a 4-level preempt is sound to begin with, so a Namyats opening would be even better than sound. Still, the hand can't be too strong; I would open 2?, not Namyats (4?) with: ?A K Q J 8 7 6 2
?A Q
?A 3



After a Namyats opening, the partner has several choices. With no slam interest, he will sign-off in 4-of-the-shown major. With mild slam interest, he can bid the in-between-step. For example, after a 4? opening, say responder holds: ?A 8 7 6 5
?A J 5 4
?K 8 3
. He can bid 4? to say : Pard, I am mildly interested--if you have a little extra, please cooperate with me. This bid says nothing about diamonds--it is completely artificial. The partner of a Namyats opener can also use Blackwood, control-bid, or just bid a slam.


When is it on?

The partnership must discuss if this is on in all 4 seats. Also, you lose the ability to open a 4-level preempt in a minor. Some pairs using Namyats play that a 3NT opener shows a 4-of-a-minor preempt.



In case you haven't noticed, if you spell Namyats backwards, you will see a very familiar convention.


Updated: June ,2012