Real Deal #60 (In Audrey Grant Magazine)

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 10/15/2023
Level: General Interest

This Real Deal comes from partners Catherine Francis and Mary Scharf.

Dlr: South
♠ AQ
♥ K1098652
♦ A4
♣ J3
♠ K109864
♥ Q7
♦ 1092
♣ 74
  ♠ J7532
♥ J43
♦ 85
♣ Q86
  ♠ --
♥ A
♦ KQJ763
♣ AK10952


  West    North    East    South  
 Pass 1♠ Pass  3♠ 
 Pass 3♠ Pass  4♠ 
 Pass 4♠ Pass  6♠ 
All Pass      








What a wild deal—the most dramatic I can remember since I started writing this column in 2009.

With a huge 2-suiter, it is best not to open 2♠; it gets the auction too high too quickly—and the opener will have trouble mentioning both suits at a reasonable level. Accordingly, South opens 1♠ (with equal-length suits, always open in the higher-ranking one). At this vulnerability, West doesn’t have enough to enter the auction, and we will assume East-West are silent throughout.

North has enough for game, but has no choice but to respond 1♠ for now (2/1 GF is not a jump; 1♠-2♠ would not show this kind of hand). South bids clubs next, but jumpshifts to show the powerful hand. 1♠-1♠-3♠ is natural and forcing to game.

North wants to repeat the hearts and since the partnership is forced to game, there is no need to jump; so North bids 3♠. South now repeats the clubs (bidding 4♠). This shows at least 5 clubs and 5 or more diamonds. Now what?

North expects at least a small slam (with 14 HCP facing a game-forcing opener who has about 18-20 in playing strength). For now, North should take a preference back to opener’s first suit by bidding 4♠.  This is the first time a trump suit is agreed in the auction.  Sure, North could use Blackwood over 4♠, but without a trump suit set, it would just be a guess as to how to follow up.

With South facing diamond support, he wants to be in 7♠ if partner has the ♠A (hoping there is a way to deal with the third round of clubs). How can opener find out about the key ♠A?  It isn’t easy. One way is to use Blackwood (something we try not to do with a void). If North shows no aces, South knows to stop in 6♠. If North shows 2 aces, South knows to bid 7♠. But, what if North has only one ace? South wouldn’t know which one.  If it were the ♠A and South bid 7♠, he would find out before the auction is over that he made a mistake (he would get doubled by the player holding the ♠A). This is why Blackwood with a void (though it would work here) is not a good idea.

There are two scientific ways to find out about specifically the ♠A, but both are fraught with memory danger. I don’t even want to explain them, because they come up once a decade and it is impossible to remember such things. If anyone simply must know, I recommend googling “Grand Slam Force” or “Exclusion Blackwood.” If you have any questions, send them to my Antarctica office. Some things in bridge are just not practical to learn/study.  Students always ask me: “but how?” I don’t think it is practical to learn things that never will come up—it just clutters the brain and gets students mixed up about really important things.

I think the practical approach at this point is for opener to settle for 6♠. Even if responder has the ♠A, there is no guarantee that 7♠ will be laydown. If you think you can scientifically reach the grand slam, good luck to you.

The Play

How should the play go in 6♠? No matter what the lead, 12 tricks looks easy. Declarer can try to make an overtrick by not losing to the ♠Q. Should he take a club finesse or try to trump a third club in dummy?  If in only 6♠, laying down the ♠AK is a big risk. What if an opponent trumps and returns a trump? Now, even 6♠ is likely to go down. So, in 6♠, I think I would draw trump and play clubs from the top—holding myself to 6 on the actual layout.

(After trumps are drawn, there is no dummy entry for a club finesse). One possibility is to draw only 2 rounds of trump ending in dummy and then running the ♠J. This also risks the contract because it could lose to Qxxx and now a club ruff would be down 1. At matchpoints, though, it might be worth the risk. At team scoring, I would just draw trump and play on clubs.

In 7♠, it is a tough choice between a club finesse and playing clubs from the top. The problem with the ace-king of clubs is that when you play the next club, you might have to trump with dummy’s ♠A and then 4-1 trumps could set you.

On the actual layout any reasonable line to try for all 13 tricks will work, but I’d be content to stop in 6♠ and not have to fret over the best way to play for 7.


Lesson points:

1) With a strong 2-suiter, try not to open 2♠.
2) With 5-5 or 6-6 always open in the higher-ranking suit.

3) Once in a GF, there is no rush to use Blackwood until a trump fit is found.
4) Don’t use Blackwood with a void.

5) It isn’t practical to study or learn about obscure conventions that never come up.
6) At team scoring, don’t risk your contract for an overtrick.