An Odd Safe/Danger Layout

Author: Larry Cohen
Date of publish: 11/01/2023
Level: Intermediate

For the fourth month in a row, we visit the 2023 Senior Team Trials. On the rare occasions that I play (like this event), I get lots of Real Deals to publish. This deal was an interesting variety of the common "Safe/Danger" theme.

Dlr: South
♠ 6
♥ K10765
♦ QJ653
♣ K8
♠ AQ1087
♥ QJ94
♦ 74
♣ J6
  ♠ 932
♥ 82
♦ A98
♣ Q10742
  ♠ KJ54
♥ A3
♦ K102
♣ A953

South opened 1NT. North transfered to hearts and then bid 3♠, natural and game forcing. South's 3NT bought the contract and West led a fourth-best spade.

Looking at all 4 hands, do you see the theme?

In notrump we count winners. South has a spade trick from the lead. In addition to the ace-king in hearts and clubs, declarer can set up 4 diamond tricks to get to 9.

The only problem is that there might be only one spade stopper.

If West, the opening leader has the ♠A, there will be no problem. Declarer can win the ♠J and play diamonds; West can't get at the second spade stopper.

But, with East having the ♠A, declarer is in serious danger. If declarer wins the ♠J, East gets in and pokes through the ♠9 (East must retain that card at trick one, of course). Declarer now loses four spade tricks for down one.

Most South players saw the danger and let West's ♠8 win the first trick.

Now what?

West has a winning counter-move (although not all West players found it). West has to lead another low spade at trick two. If declarer ducks again, he remains with ♠KJ and when East gets in with the ♠A to play a spade, declarer would be down 2. So, declarer has to win the second spade. But, he is doomed. East gets in with the ♠A and has a spade left to play through for down one.

With best defense, there is no way to make this one. In fact, there is no legitimately making game for North-South.