The 10 Commandments of Good Slam Bidding

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Author: Marty Bergen
Date of publish: 05/10/2021
Level: Intermediate

The 10 Commandments of Good Slam Bidding

(From Marty’s book, “Slam Bidding Made Easier")

1. Never forget "the magic of voids."

2. #HCP are NOT the key.

3. He who knows, goes (or stays).

4. He who doesn’t know – invites.

5. KISSing is fun. Being tortured is NOT.

6. Don't fall in love with your hand.

7. Greed is a terrible thing.

8. The length/strength of your trumps is often crucial.

9. You can't bid'em all.

10. Know when to say no.

Are these the only guidelines that apply to slam bidding?  Of course not.  Some would come up with a few others.  However, keeping these ten in mind will go a long way towards helping you improve your understanding of this definitely non-trivial topic.

As you would expect, in “Slam Bidding Made Easier,” Marty explains and provides examples for each of these commandments.